Friday, July 2, 2021

 I sent a letter to families on the last day of June, not realizing that many of the images uploaded on the blog would disappear when my HCA account would be discontinued on July 1st. 
I am working on replacing these images! 

Dear Heritage Families,
It is time to say goodbye to my precious students at Heritage Christian Academy. The Lord has moved me out and into a wonderful new position at McAdory High School!
It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your art teacher for the last 4 years. You will always be my students! If it were up to me, I would have stayed at HCA forever but it wasn't meant to be. I needed a full time art position and the job at HCA is now part-time.
Peter will still be attending HCA, so I look forward to seeing you again! We will still be involved in the "goings on" at Heritage. I thought originally that we would be moving to south Alabama to be closer to my parents but that possibility didn't work out for us this year.
There is a grade level menu on the right where you can see pictures from this year. I am proud of my students and their creativity and hard work.
I will miss my students and their families so much.
I love you all,
Mrs. Nichols

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