Kindergarten State Standards

Below is listed the Alabama Course of Study Visual Art Standards for Kindergarten:

"Students at Level K-2 are inquisitive and imaginative. They need to express their thoughts, but need guidance and support for new activities. They respond to stimuli from all their senses and learn through doing. Visual arts instruction in Grades K-2 provides an inclusive and creative environment where young children can explore arts media and concepts. Instruction at this level fosters appropriate behavioral skills, promotes artistic literacy, and guides students in developing cognitive, sensory, affective, and motor skills. K-2 content standards provide the foundation for future visual arts instruction and for the understanding and enjoyment of visual artworks."

"The overall goal of the kindergarten visual arts program is to guide students in learning the behavioral skills of listening, sharing, cooperating, using materials responsibly, and following directions in a formal school setting. The visual arts classroom provides a safe and appropriate learning environment that creates opportunities for exploration and discovery. The environment focuses on individual learning styles by engaging students in activities that promote cognitive, affective, sensory, and motor skill development. Kindergarten students are introduced to the elements of art and principles of design (particularly line, shape, color, and pattern). These foundational elements of art and principles of design are bases for building in subsequent grades."


  1. imaginative play, self-directed exploration (name examples of 2d and 3d projects)
  2. work with a partner to make art
  3. build skills by following step by step directions to make art that expresses an idea or feeling
  4. identify art materials and tools while practicing the skill of sharing
  5. tell a story with art
  6. use art vocabulary to talk about art
  1. identify reasons why artists value their work enough to save and display it
  2.  explain the purpose of a collection of artwork (portfolio, gallery, etc.) and identify where you might find it (published art online, museums, galleries, etc.)
  3. Explain how an art museum is different from other buildings - what is it for?
  1. Identify what art is used for in our lives and in the community we live in
  2. Distinguish between an image and a real object
  3. Explain what an artwork might be about: interpret art by first identifying what the subject is and then describing details 
  4. explain why you prefer one artwork over another
  1. Interpret: create art that tells a personal story
  2. Synthesize: distinguish among paintings, drawings, and sculptures

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